Bees in Bee Cave

October 25, 2022
Bees in Bee Cave

You’ve heard of the Bat Cave. How about Bee Cave? Reserve your stay at Open Air Spicewood RV Resort, hop in the car and drive 18 miles southeast on State Hwy 71, and you’ll know all about Bee Cave too! The slightly scary name derives from the colonies of Mexican honeybees that live on the banks of Barton Creek, or so says the Mayor of Bee Cave, anyway.

So, where are the Bees?

There’s quite a lot of controversy about the bees… if there ever were any bees, since when do bees live in caves, and is there such a thing as a Mexican Honey Bee. Some sources say ‘No’ to all topics. A Texas A & M entomologist suggests that Mexican Honey wasps, which also produce honey, may have been the insect sighted by the town’s settlers.

Round Rock Honey is putting the bees back in Bee Cave. Hundreds of Round Rock’s bee hives in that little town are thriving. In fact, you can purchase Round Rock honey, soaps and skin care products at H-E-B grocery stores and many farmers’ markets.

What Else is there to do in Bee Cave?

While you’re buzzing around in Bee Cave, you could try one of the many restaurants – ranging from BBQ to fine dining, shop at the Hill Country Galleria, take a stroll around the Bee Cave Sculpture Park, or make a day of it with all the thrills of the longest, fastest zipline in Texas, Lake Travis Zipline Adventures.

Meanwhile, back at open air-spicewood

Exploring Hill Country in is great for all sorts of outdoor activities like hiking, rock climbing, ziplining over Lake Travis, pickleball, swimming in our fan-tab-ulous pool, and of course, looking for bees in Bee Cave.

Exploring in Hill Country – It’s a Natural at Open Air Resorts Spicewood



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